Can You Use Indoor Tanning Lotion Outside?

Indoor or outdoor tanning can give you that brownish skin complexion. Although you can sunbathe yourself, you’ll get deeper tan when you use a tanning lotion. Indoor tanning comes in different types. You can have bronzers, tingle, enhancer, oils and others.

Can You Use Indoor Tanning Lotion Outside

But is it safe to use indoor tanning lotion when you’re out?

It depends on the type of lotion you have. Bear in mind that indoor and outdoor tanning lotions are different. The former relies on UVA rays produced in a controlled environment. The latter, on the other hand, consists of UVA and UVB natural rays.

Most indoor tanning lotions don’t have SPF. Outdoor tanning lotions have sunscreen. The reason for this is that manufacturers believe that you don’t need SPF when you’re indoor tanning. So, read the label of your indoor tanning first. Does it have SPF? If it does, how much sunscreen does it contain? The higher the SPF is, the better protection you can get.

Another thing you should consider when using indoor tanning lotion outside is that this type of lotion enhances the effects of UV rays, rather than blocking them. The SPF in outdoor tanning lotion blocks the UVA and UVB rays. If you’re going to use the indoor type outside, you might be increasing your risk of developing skin cancer as the lotion enhances, not blocks, the UV rays.

Can Indoor and Outdoor Tanning Lotions be Mixed?

You may mix them both but you shouldn’t expect great results. Some tanning lotions simply don’t mix well. If you really needed to be outside, then you should consider using outdoor tanning lotion to accelerate the effects of tanning. And if you simply want to get darker inside, then use indoor tanning lotion.

Whether you mix them or not, you need to keep your skin moisturized. Bear in mind that tanning (outdoor or indoor) can make your skin dehydrated because of the heat. Good thing is that there are indoor tanning lotions that come with moisturizer, so it wouldn’t be difficult for you to apply a moisturizer first then the tanning lotion.

By keeping your skin hydrated during your outdoor or indoor tanning session, you can avoid skin peeling. In this way, your tan will surely last longer.

But not all indoor tanning lotions are the same. You should look for a lotion that also contains nutrients and vitamins to help in nourishing your skin and making it healthier. This will reduce dry skin and the appearance of premature aging and wrinkles.


Outdoor tanning lotion

Whether you use indoor tanning lotion outside or not, tanning should be done carefully. Remember that too much exposure to UV rays can increase your risk of having skin cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Plus, you’ll soon have to worry about wrinkles.

If you use indoor tanning lotion, it must be from a reliable source. Some lotions, unfortunately, contain harmful chemicals that can seriously dry out your skin, even if you’ll get the deeper tan. Avoid them as much as possible.

Most of all, avoid tanning lotion containing alcohol as it can cause your skin to lose its moisture leading to scaly and dry skin.


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